mmm, susah gak nk dmulekan cerite ni. tp aku still nk share pe yg tpendam tym 2..huhu
kisah dye bermule cmni..aku tgah smgat sgt nk ciap an asgment tym 2, tbe2 ak rse cm sumting wrong g aku nk aku dcided nk tido dlu, knon nk bgun awal la, (juz plan je). tp bape jam pastu bile aku tjaga, ak rse cm 'sesak' sgt...nk stdy kompem xbley, so aku wat rutin yg patut, pastu amek wuduk..aku try gak bukak noe kimia, tp aku rse cm ape ntah..susah nk diexplainkan..huh. so aku tutup la smule..dlam mse tu aku tnya la kt sumone yg baek sgt ng aku ni..npe aku jdi cmni, cm xde motivasi diri lgsung..cmne nk wat???dye gtaw, dye pown xtaw nk wt cmne, bile da fail, bru la aku taw pe tu motivasi..mmm(ksian dye d penat bg nsihat..tpi..)
bkannye aku xpenah fail, tym klas smalam pown aku da rse cm ape dah..dlam byk2 soklan aku jwab, bpe je btul..tym tu gak aku da nekad yg aku nku nk stdy balik..aku da xnk pisang berbuah due kali..huhu. tp ygaku peliknye nape tiap kali aku nk berubah byk je dugaan..huhu.memg la smua tu dr Allah, kite sbgai hambaNya kena bersabar n trima dgn redha..
dsebabkan da xtaw nk watpe(nk stdy pown xleh), aku berusaha memejamkan mta yg xbpe nk pejam tuh..tibe2 termenitis air mata..myb aku rasa sdih ng diri aku tym da bg nsihat xnk dgar, sdar2 xsdar mmg da nangis pown..huh~. aku bce smula pe yg aku tulis kt tpi meja sbgai peringaan kt dri aku..aku ingat balik pesan mak bru2 ni..jgn maen2, blaja btol2.., aku duk pikir npe la aku xleh nk jdi cm org laen..npe dorg boleh aku x..npe aku juz nk sdar bile da last mnit n tym tu nsi da jdi bubur..hoh..aku arap pasni aku tekad da nk siyez kalo wat sumting tu..ingat, ko kena BERUBAH..fokus & fokus & fokus..capai dulu ape yg belum tcapai tu..insyaAllah Allah sentiasa bersama hambaNya..yg penting ISTIQAMAH..
hope dat tears cn lead me to be da success one..thanks a lot my dearest frenz..
Life is difficult and study is the hardest part but it does make your
life filled with colors. Don’t think it as a burden that thigh around
your leg but as a wing to be spread. Everyone is weak but someone with
no effort is worth to die!!! Sometime you will slip and fall down. The
scar will remain there forever so that you will remember how painful
it is when you fail. If you are lucky, someone will grab and hold your
hand so that you can run beside him. When you does fall, stand up and
run as fast as you can, not walking while murmuring to yourself.
Always remember:
Information is money, Knowledge is power but Islam is everything
[lots of lurve]
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ini blog peribadi. so, saya tulis apa-apa ja yang terlintas kat fikiran ni. kalo macam tak boleh terima entri-entri tertentu tu, harap maaf. terima kasih kerana sudi meluangkan masa di sini;)